Appointments available in Manchester, Cheshire or Online

Therapy & Coaching for Stress And Burnout

In Manchester, Cheshire or Online

Is the pressure of work or day-to-day life causing you stress?

Are you feeling exhausted trying to meet the demands and expectations of others?

Most people who come to see me want to find that perfect balance between pushing themselves to excel in life, and feeling satisfied and in control of where they’re heading.

When the stress starts to bubble over into other areas of our life, it can be hard to find a way through.

Perhaps you feel you could benefit from a new perspective.

Stress can keep us on our toes and good in our lives. However too much stress and feeling overwhelmed with what we are dealing with, can damage our health and our enjoyment of life. Therapy for stress and burn out can help you to recognise the root causes and help you to learn stress management techniques.

What is Stress?

Stress is a physical reaction caused by hormones in our bodies. Often when we experience a demand or requirement on ourselves, our brains produce adrenaline and cortisol and this helps to manage the pressure we are facing at that time. It is a physical response that causes us to go into a ‘fight or flight’ mode and this boost of physical adrenaline gives us a surge of energy and we focus on the task at hand.

As a result, it is important to realise that stress is not entirely a bad thing. This physical stress reaction has the effect of making us focused, alert, able to cope and motivated.

However, stress can become a negative force when the physical response does not go away, and we remain with the feeling of stress continuously, even when the situation does not warrant it.

Am I Stressed? Am I in Overwhelm?

Here are some common signs and symptoms of that indicate that you have reached your stress saturation point:

Cognitive Symptoms of stress:

Unable to concentrate

Memory problems

Racing / anxious / worrying thoughts

Only seeing the negative in most things

Physical Symptoms of stress:

Needing the toilet frequently / diarrhoea

Aches and pains

Feeling nauseous / cramps and pain in your stomach

Chest pain /palpitations




Emotional Symptoms of stress:

Moodiness / irritability

Feeling depressed or unhappy

Feeling angry / having angry outbursts

Feeling overwhelmed

Feeling isolated and alone

These symptoms will, understandably, have an impact on your behaviour and you may:

Experience insomnia

Notice the impact of your symptoms on your friends and family

Withdraw from others

Eat too much, too little or rely on highly caffeinated and sugary food and drink to cope with tiredness

Use alcohol / drugs / cigarettes as an attempt to relax

What are the Causes of Stress?

The things that cause stress are known as ‘stressors’.

There are ‘external stressors’.

These are situations or events that put demands on you and can be positive as well as negative. For example getting married, promotion at work or buying a property can all feel very positive things but they can also be ‘stressors’. Negative examples are financial worries, relationship difficulties or health concerns.

There are also ‘internal stressors’, which are things you worry and become anxious about in your mind, rather than because of an external situation. For example, imagined scenarios or negative approaches to things.

How does working with a therapist for Stress help?

Therapy can be a way to gain perspective on your stress. Within a few sessions it is likely that you will begin to understand what areas in your life are causing you overwhelm and the ways in which you can being to change and manage the stressful areas of your life.

Therapy for stress means you are dealing with the problem, beginning to manage it and understand it rather than simply feeling overwhelmed, anxious or worried about what is occurring without doing anything about it. work with a wide variety of different types of stress and each person’s experience of stress and burn out will be unique to them which is why each client’s requirements will be different.

I believe that my blend of techniques enables me to quickly get to the root of the issue and with guidance and learning different strategies you can overcome the feelings that you have been feeling.

I pride myself on being able to deliver a bespoke service to each of my clients after all you are an individual so your needs are individual to you therefore the techniques used will differ from client to client.

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